
Stichting Ruimtekoers

Akkerwindestraat 1-002
6832 CR Arnhem


We, Stichting Ruimtekoers, attach great importance to your privacy. In deze privacyverklaring leggen we uit welke gegevens we verzamelen via, waarom we deze gegevens verzamelen en hoe we deze beschermen.


We only collect the following personal data:

  • First and last name
  • Email address

This data is only collected when you register for activities via a ticket provider or the registration form on our website.

Personal data are collected via:

  • Our ticketprovider Stager
  • The registration form on the website

We use the collected data exclusively to keep you informed about new programs and activities.

We never share your information with third parties. does not use cookies.

We do not store your data for longer than is strictly necessary. Data will be stored for a maximum of one year after your registration.

You have the right to:

  • To gain access to your data
  • Have your data corrected or deleted
  • Object to the use of your data

For this, please contact us via We will handle your request within 7 working days.

Stichting Ruimtekoers is responsible for the processing of personal data.

We do not take any additional security measures, but we do ensure that your data is treated with care.

We process your data exclusively within the European Union.